When you go to pay your bills, use your imagination, and make up any game you like. Imagine your bills are checks, or imagine that you are giving the money as a gift when you pay them. Add zeros to your bank statement, or put the Bank of the Universe check from The Secret website on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, at the bottom of your television screen, on your oven, on the visor in your car, on your desk, or on your computer.
Play, pretend, and make up games that will infiltrate your subconscious with the feeling of abundance.

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    Happiness Inside = Be Grateful + Be Humble + Be Positive

    I used to be very depressed. I am not happy about myself, my life and the people around me. One day, I got "the Secret" DVD from my sister. From then on, by applying the Law of Attraction, I started to change, and my life started to change. it's still continuously changing to the good way...

    In this blog, all the quotes come from the Author of "The Secret", so check back often and share what you think. Let us learn the Law of Attraction together.

    Thanks and may joy be with everyone!

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