When you criticize or blame anything or anyone, notice how you are feeling. Those bad feelings are telling you clearly that you are attracting negativity. Take notice of the infallible guidance that the Universe is transmitting to you through your feelings.
Feeling anything less than good is simply not worth it.

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    Happiness Inside = Be Grateful + Be Humble + Be Positive

    I used to be very depressed. I am not happy about myself, my life and the people around me. One day, I got "the Secret" DVD from my sister. From then on, by applying the Law of Attraction, I started to change, and my life started to change. it's still continuously changing to the good way...

    In this blog, all the quotes come from the Author of "The Secret", so check back often and share what you think. Let us learn the Law of Attraction together.

    Thanks and may joy be with everyone!

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