Because everything already exists in the spiritual world, what you want also exists and in fact it has always existed because there is no time in the spiritual world. That can be a difficult idea for our limited physical minds to understand. But the important point is that if what you want already exists, then you will understand that the moment you ask it is given to you. And all you have to do to bring what you want from the spiritual to the material world is to emit the exact same vibration as what you want. You do not have to create what you want, as it already exist.
BE the vibration of what you want, and you will bring it into the material world through you.

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    Happiness Inside = Be Grateful + Be Humble + Be Positive

    I used to be very depressed. I am not happy about myself, my life and the people around me. One day, I got "the Secret" DVD from my sister. From then on, by applying the Law of Attraction, I started to change, and my life started to change. it's still continuously changing to the good way...

    In this blog, all the quotes come from the Author of "The Secret", so check back often and share what you think. Let us learn the Law of Attraction together.

    Thanks and may joy be with everyone!

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